Choreography for the Aging Population: Land
Price 22.95
Choreography for the Aging Population: Land Image
By: Sandy Stoub, BA, MA
Course Description:
Running out of choreography ideas? Sandy Stoub combines her gerontology knowledge with her rich teaching experience to bring you a complete basic program for older adults. You can use this information to start an older adult class or introduce new ideas to your existing class or personal training. Exercises are performed seated in a chair and standing next to a chair. The choreography for this course is taken from the complete continuing education course called "The Issue of Aging." Please see this course for additional information on programming guidelines for older adults.

Education Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
This Course is not approved for Continuing Education Credit.
New members register to subscribe. 5 year subscription includes future course revisions.

Other Courses by this author:
System Requirements to View This Course
This course can be viewed on a PC or MAC Computer



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