Corrective Exercise Strategies For Shoulder Impingement
Price 19.95
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By: Kyle Stull, PhD
Webinar Description:
The shoulder is one of the most problematic joints in the body. It is also one of the most mobile. For years fitness professionals have taught "get your shoulders down and back", but is this always best? This class will examine the anatomy behind common shoulder injuries and provide a new perspective on corrective exercise program design. This webinar will provide an in-depth view of shoulder function and dysfunction, break down how to effectively assess the shoulder, and guide the learner clinically proven methods of corrective exercise for shoulder impingement syndrome.

Education Level: All Levels
Prerequisites: None
Successful completion of the quiz is necessary to receive Continuing Education Credit.
Approved for:
    1.0American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
    0.5National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF)
    1.0National Strength Professionals Association (NSPA)

Note 1: NSCA offers continuing education to those who take the Live Webinar. To get 1 Hour of NSCA continuing education credit, you must watch the webinar live, and then contact to receive a Certificate of Attendance.
New members register to subscribe. 1 year subscription.

Webinar Objectives:
After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Discuss statistics for musculoskeletal conditions and prevalence in older adults.
  2. Identify 4 bones, 5 muscles/groups, and 1 nerve plexus in shoulder joint anatomy.
  3. Define/describe kinetic chain, shoulder impingement, scapulohumeral rhythm, and forward head posture.
  4. Explain 5 shoulder assessments and the role of breathing.
  5. Explain the Corrective Exercise Continuum including safe and effective practical application in the progression matrix.
System Requirements to View This Webinar
This webinar is tablet enabled and can be viewed on an iPad or Android tablet as well as a PC or MAC Computer