Advanced Aqua Pilates
Price 108.00
Advanced Aqua Pilates Image
By: Anna Shay-McEntee
ISBN# 978-1-935746-28-7
Course Description:
Advance your client's development of correct breathing technique, body awareness, body alignment and body placement in the execution of Advanced Aqua Pilates exercises. The results are improved core strength, control, stability and flexibility. Excellent videos, images, and exercise explanations are included to help you teach these exercises for maximum results. Provide your clients with variety and diversity with Advanced Aqua Pilates exercises. (Also see Essential Aqua Pilates.)

Education Level: Intermediate, Advanced
Prerequisites: Basic Knowledge of Aquatic Exercise
Successful completion of the quiz is necessary to receive Continuing Education Credit.
Approved for:
    0.6Action Personal Trainer Certification
    6.0American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
    0.6American Kinesiotherapy Association (COPS-KT)
    0.6National Association for Fitness Certification (NAFC)
    3.0National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF)
    1.0National Federation of Professional Trainers (NFPT)
    6.0National Strength Professionals Association (NSPA)
New members register to subscribe. 5 year subscription includes future course revisions.

Course Objectives:
After completing this course you will be able to:
  1. Learn the six principles and mind body concepts of Pilates Exercise.
  2. Understand the concepts and benefits for Aqua Pilates.
  3. Learn benefits and safety guidelines for advanced aqua Pilates practice.
  4. Identify general recommendations for teaching Aqua Pilates.
  5. Understand recommendations for advanced aqua Pilates class design.
  6. Learn, view, and practice Advanced Aqua Pilates Warm-up exercises.
  7. Learn, view, and practice Advanced Aqua Pilates Core Exercises.
  8. Learn, view, and practice Advanced Aqua Pilates Cool-down exercises.
Other Courses by this author:
System Requirements to View This Course
This course can be viewed on a PC or MAC Computer