FLS Accredited Interactive eLearning Fitness Continuing Education
• FLS is an IACET accredited continuing education provider offering a full line of continuing education courses.
• FLS courses are interactive and include text, audio, video, graphics, and pictures. Courses allow for easy navigation and review of topics. Over 30 industry experts have authored or contributed to the FLS course library.
• Courses are delivered online with 24/7 access. Users have instant access after subscription, instant access to online CE Quiz, instant grading of quiz, and instant access to CE Certificate of completion upon passing the quiz.
• Courses are approved for CE by multiple certifying organizations.
• For FES members: staff receive a 25% discount on individual course subscriptions.
• FES facilities can acquire education packages to provide CE courses for their staff. Packages can be for a quantity of credit hours or for a number of uses of specific courses that the facility wants their staff to take. Package discounts are 25% or more based on the package size.
FLS Accredited Interactive eLearning Aquatic Continuing Education Courses
- FLS has a diverse library of aquatic based continuing education courses authored by the top professionals in the aquatic industry.
- Courses are approved by most major certifying organizations including the Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA) and Aquatic Therapy and Rehab Institute (ATRI).
- For FES members: staff receive a 25% discount on individual course subscriptions.
- FES facilities can acquire education packages to provide CE courses for their staff. Packages can be for a quantity of credit hours or for a number of uses of specific courses that the facility wants their staff to take. Package discounts are 25% or more based on the package size.
FLS Medical Fitness Specialist Certificates
- FLS provides Specialist Certificate programs to train your staff to work with specific special populations.
- For FES members: staff receive a 25% discount on Specialist Certificate Programs.
- Facilities can use this specialist training to prepare employees to work with specific populations enabling the facility to provide expanded services to their members and clients. Facilities can purchase Specialist Certificate program packages at 25% or more based on the package size.
FLS provides “how to” guides to facilities to help them set up and prepare for programs for special populations and to promote their services to clients needing these services.
Fitness Continuing Education Alliance (FCEA) Medical Fitness Specialist Certificates
Coming Soon!
- Medical Fitness Specialist Certificate programs by the best authors in the fitness industry.
- FES Members will have access to discounted programs and packages.
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Athletic Training Accredited Continuing Education Subscriptions
- Approved CE by all states provided by an IACET Accredited partner.
- 13-month subscription packages available for $99.00 per employee for unlimited access and unlimited number of CE credits.
- Course format is online/recorded webinar with handouts.
- It is provided in three format options:
- Recorded Webinar with Handout
- Printable Transcript with Handout
- Audio only version with Handout
AASDN Nutrition Education for Health-Fitness Professionals
Coming Soon!
- The American Academy of Sports Dieticians and Nutritionists mission is to provide health professionals with sound, scientific nutrition programs, under the guidance of licensed dietetic professionals, to help increase access to nutritional services and fight the obesity epidemic.
- AASDN programs are based on sound, scientific nutrition information.
- AASDN programs are created by licensed professionals aimed at allowing non-licensed professionals to safely and legally incorporate nutrition.
- AASDN programs adhere to state nutrition licensure laws.
- FES Members will have access to discounted programs and packages.
MFN Medical Fitness Webinar Library
- FLS makes the Medical Fitness Network webinar series available for FREE to FES facility staff members with quality webinars by knowledgeable presenters in the industry.
- Webinars are 1 hour recordings and can be accessed 24/7 at your staff’s convenience.
- The 1 hour CE quiz can be purchased to earn continuing education credits. The quiz is discounted 25% for FES members.
- Webinars are approved for CE by most certifying organizations.
Employee Wellness Education Online Courses
- Employees have access to a growing IACET accredited online wellness education course library.
- Courses include lifestyle management, medical information, and quality of life enhancement topics for a more productive stress-free life.
- Courses are available 24-7 for your employees to conveniently access in one, or multiple sessions.
- Individual course completion reports are available for wellness incentive purposes.
- Yearly access fee is $90.00 per 25 employees or staff members. Employee size is set at the beginning of each plan year. Discounts available for large volumes.
- FLS takes special requests for Employee Wellness topics needed by your facility.
Video Exercise Classes for Older Adults
- Classes of various lengths and topics (strength, bands, stretching) are available that can be used for non-certified staff members to lead a class with a DVD Video.
- Great opportunity for bringing exercise to offsite or remote locations.
- Discounted $142.50 License Fee per course through the FES Program.
MFN Discounted Facility Membership
- With the FES program you have access to a discounted Facility Membership with the Medical Fitness Network (MFN)
- MFN provides a searchable directory for clients looking for Facilities and Providers of Fitness and Allied health services. Facility Membership includes a membership page for all your fitness and allied health providers.
- Facilities and facility staff can promote services to potential clients who are dealing with or concerned with prevention of specific medical conditions including: Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis, Autism, Breast Cancer, Cancer, Diabetes, Fibromyalgia, Healthy Aging, Heart Disease, Mental Disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease, Respiratory Disease, Stroke, Women’s Health.
- FES members get the MFN Facility program for $149.00. (a $100.00 discount)
Member Wellness Online Education Courses
- You can provide your facility members with access to a growing IACET accredited online wellness education course library.
- Course topics include lifestyle management, medical information, and quality of life enhancement for a more productive stress-free life.
- Courses are available 24-7 for your members to conveniently access in one, or multiple sessions.
- Usage reports are provided showing number of participants and numbers of courses viewed.
- The yearly access fee is $150 per 50 members. Membership size is set at the beginning of each plan year. Discounts are available for large volumes.