Easy Course Petition Material

If your FLS course is not approved by your certification/ licensing organization (see course list and individual courses for approvals), please use the information on this page to easily petition your organization for your course.  We have made this process as painless as possible!

Not all organizations approve eLearning/ Home Study courses from other organizations.  If your organization is not listed below, please call or email us for information.
   888.221.1612   June@FitnessLearningSystems.com

To Petition a Course:

  1. Click on the link for the organization you wish to petition to download or print their petition form and/or required course documentation.
  2. Click on the course title below that you wish to have approved to access the course document.  Save the course document to attach to an email or print the document to snail mail.  The course document will contain most of the information you need to complete your petition requirements.
  3. Complete only the information on your petition form that is not included in the course document.  (Name, address, personal information.)  Write in "See Attached" if the information requested in the petition form is included in your course document.
  4. Send the required documentation and petition fee to your certifying organization.


ACE American Council on Exercise
For petition form
AEA Aquatic Exercise Association (https://aeawave.org/Certify/AEA-Cert-Renewal-Info)
Click on CE Petition Form
AFAA Athletics and Fitness Association of America
To access re-certification and petition information you must login to your AFAA account.
CI The Cooper Institute
Click on topic 7 for required information
IFPA International Fitness Professionals Association
Report form and General information sheet at bottom of page
NASM National Academy of Sports Medicine
To access re-certification and petition information you must login to your NASM account.
NATA-BOC National Athletic Trainers Association-Board of Certification
Click on Continuing Education and see "Category D" for required documentation
NESTA National Exercise and Sports Trainers Association
See page 5 for petition information
NETA National Exercise Trainers Association
Click on your certification category and then find the petition form link.
NSCA National Strength and Conditioning Association
See Policies and Procedures from NSCA. You may need to check with NSCA for approval before you take the course

Course Outlines:

Click on the course title below that you wish to have approved to access the pdf course document. The course document will contain most of the information you need to complete your petition requirements. Save the course document to attach to an email or print the document to snail mail.

eLearning Courses

90 Days to a FULL Client Base
A Simple Study of Exercise and Caloric Consumption
Advanced Aqua Pilates
Alzheimer's Disease Prevention and Intervention : Specialist Certificate Program
Application of Water Exercise for Health/Fitness Professionals Specializing in Pain Management
Applied Anatomy: Land and Water
Aqua Magic Moves 1
Aqua Magic Moves 2
Aqua Magic Moves 3
Aquatic Fitness Principles for the Larger Adult
Aquatic Personal Training Programming
Aquatic Options 1: Special Populations and Post Rehab Fitness Training
Aquatic Options 2: Special Populations and Post Rehabilitation Fitness Training
Aquatic Sport, Function, and Performance
BackSplash Post Rehabilitation for People with Back Pain
Barefoot Balance Training
Basic Measurement and Body Composition Assessment
Beauty and the Beast: Considerations for Exercise Demonstration and Prescription
Biomechanics of Low Back Pain
Blood Pressure, Hypertension, and Exercise
Body Basics for Aqua Fitness (AQX 3)
Breast Cancer Recovery on Land and In Water
Buoyancy Stretches
Burdenko Water Walkers
Children's Aquatic Fitness Programming
Core Complete Training: A Systematic Approach for Aesthetic Core Development
Core Conditioning Camp  Part 1
Determining Intensity with Aquatic Target Heart Rates
Essential Aqua Pilates
Essential Exercises for Cancer Patients and Survivors
Exercise and Sleep
Exercise, Diabetes, and Metabolic Syndrome
Exercise Guidelines for Balance and Fall Prevention
Exercise Prescription for Alzheimer’s Prevention and Intervention
Functional Training for All Ages
Gravity vs Buoyancy: Friend or Foe
Hand Me A Handbar
Health Appraisal and Risk Assessment
Healthy Heart for a Healthy Life
Hi- Low Choreography for Everybody
Human Movement Matrix: Shoulder
Introduction to Alzheimer's Disease
Introduction to Aquatic Personal Training
Older Adults and Aquatic Applications
Pilates Based Exercise and Philosophy for Land and Water
PNF in the Pool
Post Polio Water Work
Programming For Strength Gains
Proper Pronunciation of Anatomical Terminology: Muscles
Restore the Core: Integrated Core Training for Real World Function
Return to Life: Breast Cancer Recovery Using Pilates
Respiratory Rescue
Super Abdominals: Essential Rules of Excellence
The Functional Foot and Ankle. Level 1
The Greatest Vehicle Ever Created - You!
The Issue of Aging
The Science of Nutrition
Under the Microscope-YoU!: Instructor Skills amd Methodologies
WW: Deep Water Performance Challenge
WW: Upper Torso and Core