By Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation Be one of the elite professionals to achieve this unprecedented credential! Start stepping up the professional ladder and positioning yourself for better jobs and higher pay. At this time, there is no cure for fatal Alzheimer's disease and prevention is key to avoiding this 6th leading cause of death in the U.S. Fitness has been found through research to be instrumental in prevention. As the world population continues to grow and live longer, the issues of accompanying cognitive decline, dementia, and fatal Alzheimer's disease are becoming more prevalent, significantly impacting quality of life, health care systems, and the economy of many countries. This specialist certificate prepares you to provide valuable intervention for clients with the disease, and to help others prevent and delay cognitive decline.
 Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Since the 1960's cancer survival rates have improved and progress has been made in treatments, causing a huge population of cancer survivors. The most prevalent form of cancer for females is breast cancer. Many women now survive breast cancer for months, or years, or are cured of the disease for the rest of their life. Treatment for breast cancer can be difficult to recover from physically and mentally. Exercise is an excellent means to breast cancer recovery and prevention.
 There is a growing demand for Aquatic Personal Trainers with expanding opportunities. Specialized training will allow you to enter the field with confidence, skill, and knowledge maximizing your potential for hire.
You can't just do land exercise in the water- it is not effective! This certificate program consists of 4 eLearning courses to help you build a strong foundation for personal training in the water. Understanding the principles of the water, how water affects human movement, the effects of submersion on the body and cardiorespiratory system, and recommended movement and formats for aquatic exercise provides knowledge to enable you to build safe and effective programs to get client results!
 Many clients that come to you have one or more of the primary chronic diseases: heart disease, respiratory disease, cancer, or diabetes/metabolic syndrome. This certificate program consists of 5 eLearning courses to help you screen and build a strong foundation for working with clients with chronic disease.
 By June Lindle-Chewning, BS, MAIt's such a satisfying experience to finish your workout knowing you have created a calorie deficit. Many clients are trying to manage their weight and want to know "How many calories did I burn in this workout?" In order to answer this commonly asked question, it is important to understand the many factors that affect caloric consumption. This quick study will help you guide your clients to better exercise choices and help you better understand the "skinny" on measuring energy production and intensity, and the variables that affect caloric consumption.
 By Sarah Manis, BAIt's every fitness professional's nightmare: "I know where the muscle is located, I can see the word in my head, but how do I pronounce it? These terms are so unusual." Even physical therapists, presenters and college professors all say the terms differently. What is the correct pronunciation of basic anatomical terminology? In this course, each muscle is represented with its common spelling, phonetic spelling, a picture, the Latin root of the term, and then the muscle is used in a sentence that helps you learn about the muscle. The best part of this course is that you can click on the speaker icon and HEAR and PRACTICE the correct pronunciation. How good is that!
 By Rollin RacheleThe shoulder complex is one of the most vulnerable areas in the body. Without proper strength, endurance, flexibility, and mobility exercise, the shoulder area is prone to injury, mobility issues, and chronic pain. Issues and injury in the shoulder can have profound impact on functionality and activities of daily living, causing pain and loss of optimal range of motion.
This course will help you understand the importance of multiplanar training for the shoulder joint. Adding resistance in all planes of motion and in multi-planar motion will help train the shoulder joint functionally through many ranges of motion. By adding appropriate resistance for the multiplanar exercises, you can help increase strength and endurance.
 By Melissa Weigelt, MS, RYTThis multi-media course uses video, text, and pictures to provide you with choreography for a complete core workout. Learn how to teach this workout which includes powerful cardio moves that focus on extreme calorie burning combined with unique strength exercises that will sculpt the body. The workout includes an emphasis on balance training to challenge the core and uses functional and interval training techniques. Have your clients engage multiple muscle groups to maximize energy expenditure and increase post workout caloric burn. Keep your clients coming back for more core with this workout!
 By Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA)Improve the quality of your cardiorespiratory workouts for your clients! Learn how to have your clients working in their target heart rate zones to maximize weight loss and effectively improve function. This course provides evidence based methodology and practice for the often confusing guidelines for aquatic heart rate deductions. Generally accepted equations and methods are provided with easy-to-follow explanations and practice equations. After completing this course you will be able to determine and apply aquatic target heart rates for safe and effective exercise intensity.
 By Tina Schmidt-McNulty MS, RCEP, RNCancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. It is a very serious diagnosis with a multifaceted approach starting from identification all the way through treatment. Cancer patients are now encouraged to exercise during and after treatment. This course includes important information for health-fitness professionals about cancer and exercise guidelines. Videos guide you through a simple exercise progression for clients with cancer or who are cancer survivors. In the search for a cure, physical activity proves a valuable tool in prevention, treatment, and a progressive return to daily living activities. Learn how to embrace this client base and provide safe and effective programming options.
 By Gary Moritz, MS, CPTSleep is a fundamental and important human need, but few people know how important it really is. Some people even try to get by with as little sleep as possible. Even so, everyone needs sleep. As a health-fitness professional, you know about the many benefits of regular exercise. You could recite them in your sleep. But did you know that even a single bout of exercise can help improve the quality of sleep? And with that improved sleep comes many additional health benefits. So get ready to add to your list of exercise benefits as we discuss healthy sleep, sleep disorders, and what research has discovered about the effects of exercise upon sleep quality.
 By Terri Mitchell, PTA, BA, ATRIHand Me a Handbar is an introduction to safely using buoyant equipment in the water to enhance and add variety to aquatic fitness workouts. Each video shows a basic move, as well as progressions and options for changing the stance or active movement of the legs or arms to add challenge or variety. Several ideas are presented in this course for handbar use. Add spark to your handbar workouts.
 By Rella Brennan, ACE, AFAAIn this dynamic choreography course, Master Instructor Rella Brennan shows you 15 moves that you can use as building blocks in your own choreography. Safe and effective Hi-Low Choreography shows all moves with a low impact variation, fluid transitions, and great combinations to keep your classes fresh and effective. Learn how to put together several of the moves to get 6 safe combinations that will rock your class, or take it up a notch with Rella's Mega Combinations and see how all of the moves work together to create one great class. Awesome choreography to incorporate into several class formats to keep you fresh!
 By Mary O. Wykle, Ph.D.Add new dimension and variety to your deep water programming. Strap on some Water Walkers and offer advanced programming for your fit clients. Options for Cadence Training and Insanity Intervals are provided. Videos and explanations provided with the exercises, and 2 sample programs included. Feel the benefit of drag resistance to kick up your deep water programming options.
 By June Lindle-Chewning, BS, MAWater Walkers aren't just for your feet anymore! This course takes the water walkers off the feet and onto the hands for an upper torso and core workout that is hard to beat. This workout is best performed standing in shallow water with no flotation equipment. Enhance your lower torso water walker workout with some great upper torso and core training options with drag resistance that takes on a whole new dimension. Videos provided for upper torso and core exercises.
 By Mary Essert, BA, ATRI, Vickie RamseyAs a health-fitness professional, you may encounter clients with Post Polio Syndrome. Exercise is important, but can easily cause or accelerate serious problems. It is imperative to understand how to effectively and safely work with these clients without causing harm to occur or symptoms to re-occur. Although this course focuses on water exercise, the information is valuable to land exercise as well. Techniques to increase range of motion, strength, endurance and relaxation are clearly shown. Videos and text emphasize independence and functional fitness as the goal. Learn important guidelines for how to work with clients with Post Polio Syndrome and learn how to help them "Conserve to Preserve" to improve and maintain quality of life.
 By Ana Oriani, MA, AEA, ATRITake your clients and athletes to a new level of flexibility with Buoyancy Stretches. Learn how to maximize the use of Archimedes' Principle and buoyancy equipment with supine, side, and front working positions. These stretches will enable you to help your client enhance relaxation, breathe more consistently and deeply, and maintain the proper level of body alignment that can help to achieve a fluid and controlled stretch. Exercise videos help with visual descriptions.
 By Maria Sykorova-Pritz, Ed.DThe number of people suffering from chronic pain conditions is growing indicating a need for effective chronic pain management programs. Chronic pain associated health care costs is estimated to be $80 billion each year in the USA alone. People suffering from chronic pain need to be fully educated about the process of managing pain. Knowledge is power for the chronic pain sufferer. With the information and techniques presented in this course, you as a health-fitness professional can increase your client's ability to manage chronic pain.
 By Emily Splichal, DPM, MS, MPHIn closed chain kinematics the foot is the foundation to human movement. This means that any dysfunction in the foot must impact knee, hip and lower back alignment. Conversely, in open chain kinematics, hip strength controls knee and foot posture. Learn one of the most effective techniques for improving foot posture, controlling knee pain and strengthening the hip. After this course you will fully appreciate the power of barefoot work. Improve posture and build strength - with barefoot balance training.
 By June Lindle-Chewning, BS, MA, Tina Schmidt-McNulty MS, RCEP, RNBlood pressure is an integral part of the function and health of the cardiorespiratory system. High blood pressure (Hypertension), low blood pressure (Hypotension), Pulmonary Hypertension, and Preeclampsia all have implications for safe and effective exercise prescription.
This course provides knowledge for understanding the anatomy and physiology of blood pressure and its role in health. It teaches you how to screen for blood pressure and provides exercise training and special considerations for clients with blood pressure disease.
Learn guidelines to provide individualized exercise recommendations to help clients prevent or delay hypertension. In addition, this course guides the health-fitness professional to help clients with blood pressure disease to safely and effectively exercise to help control the disease.
 By Connie Jasinskas M.Sc.Body Basics for Aqua Fitness is designed to give you fundamental knowledge about functional anatomy, kinesiology, and physiology related to vertical aquatic training (aqua fitness). This course (AQX Course 3) explains muscle roles and priorities, key training principles, as well as physiology of vertical immersion. Over 71 videos and several interactive and printable activities. Whether you are working with sports teams, post-rehabilitation groups, aquatic personal training, or seniors' group aqua fitness, Body Basics for Aqua Fitness is fundamental to your success.
 By Igor N. Burdenko Looking for something new in the water? The Burdenko water walking program is just what you need for group, personal training, or rehab. This program based on the Burdenko Method contains unique exercises using the Burdenko water walker equipment. The program is different, functional, maximizes time efficiency, and makes exercising fun. It is easy to remember, and mimics some sports movements. Videos and text give clear instruction for each exercise. Your clients will love these unique exercises that can make up an entire workout, or be mixed with other more traditional exercises.
 By Chris Kelly, CSCS, CES, PESPart 2 of Chris Kelly's core series is an evidence-based tested core training program designed to build a strong and aesthetically pleasing mid-section combined with the ability to function efficiently in the real world. Through video and text you will learn the purpose for different types of unique core training exercises and methods to expand your "tool box." Learn to progressively increase the challenge of your training programs for clients of all levels and take the entire core (versus merely the abs) to a new level of function. Part 1 Restore the Core: Integrated Core Training for Real World Function is available through Fitness Learning Systems.
 By Tina Schmidt-McNulty MS, RCEP, RNAccording to the American Heart Association, over 47 million Americans have metabolic syndrome. That is approximately one out of every six people. Every health-fitness professional will encounter diabetic clients. This course will help prepare you to effectively work with these clients on many levels. Scenarios are included to help you prepare for inevitable diabetic incidents with clients.
 By Emily Splichal, DPM, MS, MPHThe organized actions of the foot and ankle complex is often overlooked and misunderstood in the health-fitness industry. This adaptive lever plays a role in every upright action from human locomotion to squats and lunges. With the advancement of the fitness industry and expanding role of the fitness professional there is greater likelihood of encountering a client with foot pathology or foot compensations. To remain competitive among your colleagues and to achieve the best results with your clients, it is imperative to gain an understanding of the role the foot and ankle play in creating and modifying fitness programs. This course contains pictures and videos to help you understand biomechanics, assess foot conditions, and better understand how the foot and ankle play a role in every step you take.
 By Sandy Stoub, BA, MALearn how to apply and incorporate Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) into training formats for all ages. The application of multiple strategies, drills, and methods of training allow individuals of all ages to become functionally prepared for life. Multi-plane and multi-sensory methods will be addressed through a science-based, practical approach to understanding an integrated body concept. There are sample programs, sample combinations, and video to guide you through the concepts. Freshen your training and group fitness sessions by adding some practical functional elements.
 By June Lindle-Chewning, BS, MAHealth Appraisal and Risk Assessment set the stage for legal responsibility to your client and enable you to limit liability exposure as a health-fitness professional. Understanding this process and using it correctly aligned with industry standards will help you properly screen your client for potential risk. This course teaches you how to navigate through the process dictated by the American College of Sports Medicine Guidelines. It includes several printable assessment forms and covers many important topics that all health-fitness instructors must understand to practice within industry standards.
 By Tina Schmidt-McNulty MS, RCEP, RN, Tina Schmidt-McNulty MS, RCEP, RNHeart disease and its complications is the leading cause of death in the US for both men and women. Exercise plays an important role in prevention and treatment of heart disease. This course explores risk reduction, prevention, and management of heart disease through lifestyle changes and exercise. Learn how to safely and effectively lead your clients to a healthier heart and a healthier life.
 By Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA)If you are a personal trainer interested in expanding your training options to the water, it is important to learn about the aquatic environment. The water's viscosity provides resistance that surrounds you and provides "work" for every movement in every direction. The water's buoyancy reduces body mass, impact to weight bearing joints, and spinal decompression in deep water. The water's hydrostatic pressure affects many of the body's physiological functions. If you want to be an effective aquatic personal trainer, learn about the special benefits and qualities the aquatic environment has to offer and incorporate that knowledge into your personal training sessions. This course will start you on your way to becoming a successful aquatic personal trainer.
 By Soraya Cates Parr, BS, CPTChronic lower respiratory disease, primarily COPD, was the third leading cause of death in the United States in 2011, according to the CDC. Also, the number of people with asthma continues to grow. Learn guidelines for working with pulmonary dysfunctional clients, breathing exercises, and how to help overcome the fear that accompanies an increased demand on the respiratory system. Learn how to effectively help these clients improve function and quality of life.
 By Chris Kelly, CSCS, CES, PESHaving a strong mid-section is not only aesthetically pleasing but contributes substantially to overall health and stamina as well. Understanding how to progressively and safely restore the core for your client will build a foundation for supporting the spine and improving overall function in both athletics and activities of daily living. Through video, text and informative pictures, Chris Kelly will teach you how to assess your client's core strength and provide several unique and enjoyable exercises to build your client's most important foundation- Core Strength and Function.
 By Gregory J. Keyes PhD CMCAs a health-fitness professional you are constantly under the scrutiny of your clients and employers. As a result you must continually look at methods to enhance your ability to communicate, understand, and motivate your clients. This course shares a multitude of skills and knowledge that will help develop all who present or teach in group or one-on-one settings to ensure your professionalism remains "top of your game." Use these skills to provide an example of leadership that other health-fitness professionals want to emulate.
 By June Lindle-Chewning, BS, MAApplied anatomical movement can be confusing for any health-fitness professional. This easy to use multimedia course advances your knowledge of basic human movement, muscle use, types of contractions, and the muscle equation for both land and water environments. Deepen your understanding of concentric/eccentric action as it pertains to specific movements and equipment use on land and in water. Gain confidence in understanding the purpose of every exercise you prescribe so you can provide safe and effective programming for your group fitness and one-on-one clients.
 By June Lindle-Chewning, BS, MAFine tune and expand your basic assessment skills. This multimedia course takes you through the basics of resting heart rate, resting blood pressure (video included), height, and weight measurement. Read descriptions and view video clips to locate and measure ten skinfold sites and nine body circumferences. Formulas and equations for Jackson/Pollock and a seven-site body composition, BMI, and calculations for recommended weight ranges. Build your knowledge and confidence to retain your clients with accurate basic assessment options.
 By Jack F. Wasserman, PhD, June Lindle-Chewning, BS, MA, Gary Moritz, MS, CPTIncrease your understanding and professionalism by expanding your knowledge in human movement. This course contains text, photos, interactive graphics, and video to help you deepen your knowledge for the fundamentals of human movement and the unique way each person moves. Make each exercise work for your clients. Develop your ability to effectively understand and modify exercises in order to personalize an exercise movement or routine.
 By Eduardo Netto, MSCore and abdominal strength/endurance are the foundation of all human movement. Learn how to train abdominals efficiently with proper exercise execution in this course. See videos and explanations of abdominal anatomy, proper training technique, and exercises for on land with bonus exercises for in the water. This course helps you build your knowledge and skills for training this fundamentally important part of the body.
 By Danielle Noblitt Spangler BS, NASM, Certified Applied Functional Science Gray InstituteThe female body is structurally different from the male body both anatomically and in its need for pelvic alignment and health. Working with the female body before, during, and after pregnancy requires a working knowledge of female anatomy in all three stages to prepare, accommodate, and restore a woman's body to alignment and health.
This course reviews female anatomy and the anatomy of pregnancy to guide you with pregnant clients. Learn the importance of breathing and posture, guidelines for exercise, contraindications, special considerations, and safe exercises for pregnant clients. Knowledge is key to safety and effectiveness in exercise for your pregnant clients.
 By Katrien Lemahieu, MESNOver 100 videos of new moves!
You will never run out of aquatic moves and variations for personal training or all levels of group fitness with this exceptional choreography course by Katrien Lemahieu. You are provided with dozens of variations for three base moves: a Jumping T-Jack, a Soccer Jog, and a Tango Twist. Variations include leg variations, arm variations, additional variations, and crazy combinations. Special attention is placed on basic knowledge and careful consideration for safe and effective transitions in the aquatic environment. This course is packed with videos to help you with pool and deck instruction, and to help you see and practice these innovative moves. You will never approach your aquatic exercise choreography the same!
 By Katrien Lemahieu, MESNOver 100 videos of new moves!
Welcome to the second Aqua Magic Moves course! Aqua Magic Moves is designed to help instructors combine arm and leg patterns and make them into new exercises. They have the Magic to be executed in so many different ways that you will never run out of choreography ideas. There is theory included, cue recommendations, and other information you can use to execute the moves and understand the philosophy behind the system. You are provided with dozens of variations for three base moves: a Circle Ski 3, Corner Kick, and Rocking Mambo. This course is packed with videos to help you with pool and deck instruction, and to help you see and practice these innovative moves. You will never approach your aquatic exercise choreography the same!
 By Kim Geeroms, Katrien Lemahieu, MESNKatrien Lemahieu is back at it again for Aqua Magic Moves 3 teaming up with Kim Geeroms. Kim and Katrien (K2) provide a unique way to construct aquatic choreography that results in "magic moves" which can be used in choreography for the unfit through trained athletes. You can adapt these moves to your client base, intermix them into your existing chorography for an extra challenge, or use them to promote coordination to "train the brain." There are so many options for using Aqua Magic Moves that you will never run out of choreography ideas and challenges. Over 50 videos to help you learn the moves!
 By June Lindle-Chewning, BS, MAIf you are a personal trainer interested in expanding your training options to the water, it is important to learn about the aquatic environment. Increase your success by understanding the properties of the water and aquatic physiological responses. This course teaches you training formats that work well in the aquatic environment as well as shallow and deep water exercise techniques. It also addresses the proper way to monitor and manipulate intensity in the aquatic environment, a skill critical to the success of your client reaching his/her goals.
 By Connie Jasinskas M.Sc.Over 80% of the U.S. population suffers from low back pain at some time in their life, some with chronic low back pain issues. Most low back pain is attributed to muscle imbalance and is relieved and prevented by a properly executed exercise program conducted by a knowledgeable professional. This course shows how vertical aquatic exercise can be used in post-rehabilitation for back pain by aquatic rehabilitation practitioners, as well as aquatic leaders providing individual or group exercise for this population. Videos and pictures give you a clear understanding of the exercises and progressions shown in the course. If you want to get exceptional results with your back pain clients, this course is a must!
 By Gregory J. Keyes PhD CMCExercise demonstration and prescription is a topic that every health-fitness professional needs to constantly consider and can often be neglected due to experience and complacency. This could result in inadvertent poor example/demonstration techniques, and less than optimal planned prescription. These morsels of tips, hints and in some cases in your face frank observations for group, small group, and personal training applications are shared to ensure your professionalism remains top of your game and keeps your clients coming back for more.
 By Emily Splichal, DPM, MS, MPHAlmost 80% of American adults will suffer low back pain at some point. Interestingly, 70-80% of low back pain is associated with musculoskeletal imbalances and improper core activation during everyday movement. Join us as we take a look at the latest research on the biomechanics of low back pain. From the hip to the foot, you will be surprised by how many different imbalances attribute to low back pain. Help your clients get their bodies back in balance and move pain free!
 By Naomi Aaronson, MA, OTR/L, CHT, Mary Essert, BA, ATRIThere are over 2 million breast cancer survivors in the United States today. Due to the ramifications of treatment, exercise is a modality that can be used to facilitate recovery. Numerous studies have demonstrated that exercise can improve quality of life, reduce side effects of treatment, and improve strength and endurance. This course will help health-fitness professionals understand diagnosis, treatment, and ongoing care for cancer patients and survivors. Important guidelines and information are provided for safe and effective exercise through course and multimedia content. Embrace this client base with practical exercise options to improve recovery and function.
 By Tina Schmidt-McNulty MS, RCEP, RNExplore the basic properties of gravity and buoyancy and how they affect movement and equipment use on land and in the aquatic environment. Exercise and equipment options are given for all primary muscle groups for land and water resistance training exercises using weights, tubing, buoyant and drag equipment. This course is an easy to access, comprehensive library of resistance training exercises with over 70 videos, written explanations, variations and safety information beneficial to both land and aquatic health-fitness professionals.
 By Chris Gellert, PT, MMusc & Sports Physio, MPT, CSCS, C-IASTMThe shoulder is one of the most vulnerable joints in the body due to its vast range of motion and complexity. This course is developed to assist the health-fitness professional with a deeper understanding of the functional anatomy, mechanics, and assessment of the shoulder. Improve your knowledge and skills gaining a competitive edge by successfully working with clients with shoulder dysfunction within a safe and effective scope of practice.
 By Abdul Qayyum Rana, MD FRCPC, FRCP (HON) The incidence of Parkinson's disease is seen in all races. Almost 10 million individuals worldwide are affected by Parkinson's disease and the number is increasing as people live longer. Health-fitness professionals who work with the general public and older adults will encounter clients and patients with Parkinson's disease. Understanding the basics of the disease allows professionals to recognize disease progression and be aware of and learn how to manage numerous possible symptoms and related problems, allowing those with PD to live longer with better quality of life.
 By Terri Mitchell, PTA, BA, ATRI, Julia Meno-Fettig, BS, CTRS, ATRIPNF is characterized by mass movement patterns that are spiral and diagonal. You use PNF patterns of movement and components of them in most of your functional daily activity. This course offers basic educational information regarding proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation techniques appropriate for performance in the aquatic environment to use with all levels of clients. See text, photos and video demonstrations as the authors teach PNF movements for use in therapy and fitness environments, one-on-one or in group fitness applications. PNF training helps your clients maintain important functional movement patterns.
 By Sandy Stoub, BA, MAThis course provides an important overview of aging through physiological, psychological, and sociological perspectives. With a thorough understanding of the aging body, a health-fitness professional can design effective programs to meet the needs of students. Videos and exercise descriptions are included for chair and standing exercises as well as exercises for in the water. Meet the demands of this growing population with safe and effective exercise options.
 By Judi Powers, MSThis course introduces the teachings and movements of Joseph H. Pilates. It outlines the popular neuro-muscular floor exercises that stretch and strengthen muscles and promote better posture, using science to better understand the core and stabilizing techniques used in this type of training. Add these exercises to your tool bag to provide diversified programming for your group and one-on-one exercise applications.
 By Monique Acton, MS, Laurie Denomme, B. Kinesiology, Judi Powers, MSThis course is the first module of a two-part series. Aquatic Options was specifically designed for aquatic fitness professionals, Personal Trainers, Physical Therapy Assistants, Occupational Therapy Assistants, Recreational Therapists, and any professional working with special populations and post rehab individuals in the aquatic environment. This course will review important fitness training guidelines and help you better understand how to integrate progressive aquatic fitness exercises for shoulder, knee and hip orthopedic considerations and low back pain.
 By Monique Acton, MS, Laurie Denomme, B. Kinesiology, Judi Powers, MSThis course is the second module in the Aquatic Options series. Aquatic Options was specifically designed for aquatic fitness professionals and any professional working with special populations and post rehab individuals in the aquatic environment. In this course you will learn modifications for participants with specific medical conditions including arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, and be introduced to the assessment, evaluation, documentation, and reporting process. Choose appropriate equipment for all of the populations, and be able to design your own safe and effective aquatic fitness programming.
 By Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA)Whether designing aquatic programming for the professional athlete, the "armchair" athlete, or somewhere in between, this course will provide numerous options for improving performance and functional capabilities using creative and carefully developed aquatic exercise. The focus is on formatting for optimum efficiency in relation to a variety of student goals: sports related, recreational activity, or daily function. Participant goals, muscle involvement and equipment interaction are considered, along with movement patterns to improve performance and enhance exercise retention at any level of activity or sport.
 By Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF)At this time, there is no cure for fatal Alzheimer's disease and prevention is key to avoiding this 6th leading cause of death in the U.S. Fitness has been found through research to be instrumental in prevention. As the world population continues to grow and live longer, the issues of accompanying cognitive decline, dementia, and fatal Alzheimer's disease are becoming more prevalent, significantly impacting quality of life, health care systems, and the economy of many countries.
This course provides important information to help you understand cognitive decline and Alzheimer's relevant to anyone working as a health-fitness professional. It focuses on causes, risk factors, diagnosis, care partners, The 4 Pillars of Alzheimer's Prevention™, and preventive mental exercise.
 By Aquatic Exercise Association (AEA)Older Adults comprise the fastest growing segment of the American population and aquatic exercise can help them maintain functional fitness and independent living skills. A thorough review of the physiological aspects of aging in this course will introduce aquatic fitness professionals to important considerations for providing safe and effective programming for the older adult population. This course includes programming and exercise descriptions with videos for three levels of senior aquatic programming to help you reach the needs of ALL older adults!
 By American Academy of Sports Dietitians and Nutritionists (AASDN)The percentage of consumers (your clients) who actively seek information about nutrition and healthful eating has more than doubled from 19% in 2000 to 46% in 2011. It is important for health-fitness professionals to be properly qualified and guided to join the fight against obesity with science-based information and counsel for clients following the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND) guidelines.
The AASDN creates a fundamental understanding of science-based nutrition concepts in this course. The goal is to allow you to be able to better separate the science-based food and nutrition information from the plethora of misinformation, to properly advise and communicate about nutrition with your clients.
 By Anna Shay-McEnteeAdvance your client's development of correct breathing technique, body awareness, body alignment and body placement in the execution of Advanced Aqua Pilates exercises. The results are improved core strength, control, stability and flexibility. Excellent videos, images, and exercise explanations are included to help you teach these exercises for maximum results. Provide your clients with variety and diversity with Advanced Aqua Pilates exercises. (Also see Essential Aqua Pilates.)
 By Anna Shay-McEnteePilates and Aqua exercise are two of the fastest growing exercise programs in the world. They offer programs to suit the exercise needs for people of all ages and all levels of fitness. Pilates performed in the water engages the upper and lower extremities through optimal ranges of motion while minimizing stress on the joints, resulting in a unique combination of exercise and physiotherapy. Learn how to teach correct breathing technique, body awareness, body alignment and body placement in the execution of these unique exercises. Excellent videos, images, and exercise explanations are included to help you teach these exercises for maximum results. Provide your clients with variety and diversity with Essential Aqua Pilates exercises.
 By Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation (ARPF)At this time, there is no cure for fatal Alzheimer's disease and prevention is key to avoiding this 6th leading cause of death in the U.S. Fitness has been found through research to be instrumental in prevention. As the world population continues to grow and live longer, the issues of accompanying cognitive decline, dementia, and fatal Alzheimer's disease are becoming more prevalent, significantly impacting quality of life, health care systems, and the economy of many countries.
This course reviews statistics, definitions, risk factors, and stages of disease progression. The primary focus of this course is evidence-based preventive physical exercise for prevention and intervention. Exercise guidelines and considerations are provided and sample programs are included.
 By Naomi Aaronson, MA, OTR/L, CHT, Ann Marie Turo, OTCancer is a disease that affects both mind and body. More and more cancer survivors are coming to health-fitness professionals to regain strength, mobility, and endurance. Pilates principles and movements are great for restoring function to Breast Cancer Survivors. You can incorporate these principles for your group fitness and personal training clients without being certified or highly experienced in Pilates. This course provides sound information about breast cancer and its process, along with several exercise video clips to aid you in working with breast cancer clients to help them regain a connection to their body. Use these principles to facilitate your cancer survivors' "return to life."
 By Gregory J. Keyes PhD CMCHuman anatomy and physiology is like climbing a ladder- you take it one step at a time but you never reach the top of this ladder. The human body is so complicated. Review of basic knowledge is critical to continued effective practice. Go on an entertaining journey of the 11 systems of the body with Dr. Keyes where he relates the human body to a motor vehicle. Great base review material with interesting body facts included to help make this vital information stick.
 By June Lindle-Chewning, BS, MAThis course builds on fundamental exercise physiology to allow the health-fitness professional to take exercise to the next level. Learn how to deliver precision exercise prescription in group fitness, small group fitness, personal training, and boutique/studio fitness applications. The information in this course will change the way you view and deliver exercise programming.
Reinforce basic physiology with quick reviews and apply current physiology and technology for zone, threshold, and heart rate training. Understand the science behind the technology of wearable devices to be able to better apply heart rate training to fill your client's needs and meet their goals. Step into the realm of precision exercise to learn how to deliver a high level of service for all your clients in all fitness applications.
 By Robert Raymond, BS, CPT; NSCA ACE, Derrick Wilburn, MBA, BS, CPT, ACEHow would you like to have a thriving client base in just 90 days?
The fitness business information, practical steps, and detailed advice outlined in this course will provide anyone in the personal fitness coaching business a 90-day success plan for obtaining a client base. Manage time effectively, develop a client base, and commit both time and energy to growing a personal training business.
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